
Magical lineage plus wayang spellhunter
Magical lineage plus wayang spellhunter

magical lineage plus wayang spellhunter
  1. #Magical lineage plus wayang spellhunter full
  2. #Magical lineage plus wayang spellhunter Pc

What is your AC?”Ĭatfolk also come with a built-in once-per-day reroll-and-take-the-best for one of your crappier saves. Feat options also allow you to get a +2 to initiative that stacks with Improved Initiative, a once-per-day forced reroll at -4 on an enemy’s melee attack, and an extra 10 feet on charge, run, and withdraw, allowing you to avoid the italicized scenario even if the monster is a larger size category than you.

#Magical lineage plus wayang spellhunter full

Wayang spellhunter and magical lineage traits full#īut that kind of thing should be beneath a full caster anyway.

magical lineage plus wayang spellhunter

Besides, you can’t really spare the feats.Ĭhangelings: How the daughters of hags don’t have a bonus to the key ability score of the witch class is beyond me. Though they have a bonus to your secondary ability, you get essentially nothing out of +2 Wisdom, and there are zero options for this race. If you can convince your DM to change the Wisdom bonus to an Intelligence bonus they become blue just like every other race with an Intelligence bonus, but this is an optimization guide within the rules, so bright red they shall remain.ĭhampir: No Int bonus, FCB, or magic-boosting racial traits. Has a Constitution penalty, is difficult to heal, and is sensitive to light. As it stands: garbage, despite the Charisma bonus. However, expect a racial archetype to pop up soon, centered around an arcane reservoir infused with negative energy. Depending on if it gets sufficiently little playtest time, it might be broken enough to make this orange, or perhaps green if Paizo really screws up.ĭrow: ( Occultist ) Light blindness, no Int bonus or FCB, has a Constitution penalty, and its magic-boosting racial traits are all in the wrong direction (with one exception noted below). I can’t see how these guys make good wizards, either, honestly. NOTE: The Blasphemous Covenant alternate racial trait is a pretty big boost to Occultist arcanists, especially if you go the route of Eldritch Heritage (Abyssal) + Superior Summoning. The racial Charisma bonus helps make up for the lack of an Int bonus, because you need a high Charisma anyway to get the Eldritch Heritage feats you need.ĭrow Noble: If your DM is willing to play ball, sure, go ahead. They get the SLAs for early-entry eldritch knight, as well as a bonus to all mental stats and +4 Dexterity. The Blasphemous Covenant alternate racial trait goes together with the Occultist archetype like peanut butter with jelly.

#Magical lineage plus wayang spellhunter Pc

Wayang spellhunter and magical lineage traits Pc#īut Drow Nobles are hilariously overpowered as a player race.ĭuergar: If you can rationalize a duergar PC to your DM, take the Daysighted and Deep Magic traits and avoid exploits that rely on Charisma. Unlike the spell-like abilities, Deep Magic gets more useful as you level up, not less.

magical lineage plus wayang spellhunter

In addition, your low carrying capacity becomes less of an issue, as you can carry up to a medium load and experience no penalty unless your Dexterity is 18 or higher.ĭwarf: Doesn’t really offer anything, but unlike with the sorcerer parent class, your choosing this race isn’t actively detrimental to all but the strangest builds. However, their most powerful racial options also make them worse at casting arcane spells. Wayang spellhunter and magical lineage traits free#.Wayang spellhunter and magical lineage traits Pc#.Wayang spellhunter and magical lineage traits full#.

Magical lineage plus wayang spellhunter