
Gta vi map leak
Gta vi map leak

gta vi map leak
  1. #Gta vi map leak mods
  2. #Gta vi map leak plus

I remember that fake with Trevor and the plane in the sky, it was obvious because none of the shadows and lighting were consistent with one another and whoever thought it was real must've spent a better part of their childhood eating paint chips. Look up the definition of proof before you attempt to though since you seem to struggle with the meaning of words. Try to prove the Vice City "leak" is fake. I couldn't prove it was fake at the time even though I thought it was fake. The image in the top left corner was proven fake since someone found those buildings in GTA IV. See the one with Trevor and the plane in the sky. Look at the images of the hoaxes I posted. Being unable to prove something is fake doesn't mean it's real. I want to enjoy again that '80 vibe that the original Vice City had. Do you want an exmaple? On RDR2 Online there aren't so many kids! It's hard to tell, but a famous 17+ game like GTA is and will always be a bit driven by kids in Rockstar's decisions, the possibility of monetizing the online is way too big.īut I'll be more than happy if Rockstar will prove that I'm wrong. They probably prefer to have flying bikes, orbital cannons, jets all over the place and overpowered military vehicles instead. We've never seen a GTA X (where X stands for a number) set in the past, does Rockstar really want to go back to 1985? Even if the '80 could be a perfect decade for a GTA, how about Online? We all know that lots of kids and early teens only play the Online mode, they probably don't want to hear '80/'70/'60 music, drive '80/'70/'60 cars and meet the '80 culture and its vibe.

#Gta vi map leak plus

Plus I'm not very convinced on the year 1985. Also the image is in low resolution, I could accept that in 2010 but now we're almost in 2019 and even the worst phone on the market is able to do better photos. Some similarities with the real Miami ( but if this Vice City is set in 1985 we can't really compare it to the original version since more than 30 years have been passedĪnyway I think this map is fake, it's very strange to have this kind of leaks even before the game is announced. What is that thing at the top-left corner of the image? A post-it? Maybe this map could be placed in a "project board" Like the 2 versions of Los Santos, the original Vice City shares some "common" areas with this map (the right side is very similar and the airport/military base are both in the east side of the city for example)

#Gta vi map leak mods

North Yankton in GTA V is always disabled but, if you enable it via mods or glitches, it's not that far away from Los Santos. I don't want to go back to San Andreas with kilometers and kilometers of desert and nothing else.Īnd also what is the role of the other 2 islands? One is very near to the mainland, but the other one is too far away from it.

gta vi map leak

What I don't understand is all that "open space" that is present in the south of the map, even GTA V has some populated places in its countryside. This "Vice City" version has plenty more roads than Los Santos, IMO the main island should be bigger than the State of San Andreas and Blaine County of GTA V. The map, to me, seems fake, but I also think that Pineapple scaled it incorrectly, making the city and island way too little. 1985 means that we'd be in the exact middle between Vice City (1986) and Vice City Stories (1984), but with the HD era all the 3D Era connections have been lost, so this shuldn't be a problem.

Gta vi map leak